Kitchen Storage Hacks 2023

A well-organised kitchen is the heart of a happy home, regardless of size — and every kitchen can benefit from efficient storage solutions, in small apartments or spacious houses.

In this article, we’ll explore clever storage ideas for big and small kitchens, offering practical tips and inspiration to transform your cooking space. Let’s dive in and discover the wonders of kitchen organisation.

spacious modern shaker kitchen

Clever Storage Ideas for Big and Small Kitchens

Whether you have a spacious or cosy kitchen, implementing clever storage solutions can revolutionise your cooking space. Let’s explore some innovative ideas that will maximise your kitchen’s potential.

  1. Kitchen cabinetry:
    One of the key elements in kitchen organisation is well-designed cabinetry. Ray Munn offers exceptional kitchen designs that prioritise space optimisation without compromising style. Their custom-built cabinets and shelves are tailored to your needs, ensuring every inch is utilised effectively – check out their website for the perfect kitchen designs that will transform your storage capabilities.

  2. Smart storage solutions:
    Regardless of the kitchen size, there are several smart storage solutions you can incorporate:

  • Utilising vertical space
    Take advantage of vertical space by installing wall-mounted shelves or pegboards. These functional additions free up precious counter space while keeping frequently used items within easy reach. Vertical storage adds practicality and style to your kitchen, ideal for storing anything from spices to cooking utensils.

  • Cabinet door storage
    Maximise your cabinet doors by installing hooks or racks. Hang utensils, mugs, or even small pots and pans to free up drawer space and keep everything conveniently accessible. This simple yet effective solution helps declutter your countertops and adds a touch of functionality to your kitchen cabinets.

  • Utilising the space above the cabinets
    Don’t overlook the space above your cabinets. It’s an often-underutilised area that can provide extra storage for rarely used items. Store seasonal appliances, bulky serving platters, or decorative pieces in this space, keeping them out of sight yet easily accessible when needed.

  • Incorporating multi-purpose furniture
    Make the most of your kitchen space by incorporating multi-purpose furniture. Kitchen carts or tables with built-in storage offer versatility and functionality. These pieces provide additional workspace and storage for appliances and can even serve as a breakfast nook or a spot for casual dining. Choose furniture that complements your kitchen design while optimising storage potential.

an island with open shelving in a white kitchen

Kitchen Organisation Ideas

A well-organised kitchen is essential for smooth cooking experiences and a clutter-free space. Whether you have a big or small family or live alone, implementing practical organisation strategies is crucial. Here are some tips to help you maintain an organised kitchen that suits your unique situation. 

white, green and wood kitchen with multifunctional island
  • Sort and declutter regularly
    Make it a habit to sort through your kitchen items regularly. Discard expired or unused ingredients, donate duplicate utensils, and let go of items that no longer serve a purpose. Regular decluttering keeps your kitchen streamlined and efficient.

  • Group similar items together
    To create a well-organised kitchen, group similar items. Keep cooking utensils, pots, and pans in one designated area. Store baking ingredients, spices, and dry goods in a pantry or cabinet. By categorising items, you can easily locate what you need and maintain a tidy kitchen.

  • Utilise drawer dividers or trays.
    Drawers can quickly become chaotic without proper organisation. Use drawer dividers or trays to separate utensils, measuring spoons, and other small items. It makes it easier to find what you need and prevents clutter from accumulating.

  • Label containers or jars
    Labelling containers or jars is a simple yet effective way to identify their contents easily. Use adhesive labels or a label maker to mark pantry items, spices, and other ingredients. Clear labels help you quickly locate what you need and maintain an organised storage system.
    By implementing these kitchen organisation ideas, you can create a functional and efficient space tailored to your needs. Remember, maintaining a clean and organised kitchen becomes even more important when you have children, as safety and accessibility are key considerations.


Organise Your Kitchen Cabinet Storage

Effective kitchen cabinet organisation is crucial for a functional kitchen. Consider these tips:

  • Categorise items based on frequency of use and accessibility. Keep frequently used items within easy reach and store rarely used items in higher or lower cabinets.

  • Utilise adjustable shelving to maximise vertical space, allowing you to customise the height of each shelf according to the items you need to store.

  • Implement stackable containers or storage baskets to organise pantry items neatly. It not only saves space but also makes it easier to locate specific items.

  • Consider using Lazy Susans or pull-out shelves for corner cabinets. These solutions provide easier access to items that would otherwise be difficult to reach.

an organised kitchen storage

Explore creative storage options beyond traditional cabinets:

Beyond traditional cabinets, there are numerous creative storage options to consider. Here are a few ideas:

  • Freestanding kitchen islands or carts with built-in storage offer additional workspace and ample storage for utensils, cookware, and pantry items.

  • Wall-mounted shelves or hooks provide a practical solution for hanging pots, pans, or utensils, keeping them within easy reach while adding a decorative touch to your kitchen.

  • Open shelving units create a visually appealing display for frequently used items (such as plates, glasses, and cookbooks), while allowing easy access.

  • Storage trolleys can be used as an additional workspace, as a movable kitchen island, or as a designated spot for storing ingredients, appliances, and utensils.

grey kitchen cabinetry

An organised kitchen brings efficiency and joy to your cooking experience. Whether you have a big or small kitchen, implementing these storage hacks and organisation ideas will help you maximise your space. 

Remember to declutter regularly, group similar items, and use clever storage solutions. Don’t forget to explore our kitchen designs for further inspiration and innovative storage solutions tailored to your needs. Transform your kitchen into a functional, beautiful space that reflects your style and makes cooking a breeze.

To explore more kitchen organisation tips and ideas, check out our blogs on our website. We offer valuable insights and inspiration for creating the perfect kitchen.


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